Professional Timeless Photography

I aim to produce natural real photography of mother's and father's with their newborn child or children. I am a Mackay photographer and love pregancy portraits and newborn photography. I adore black and white images as they look right into the soul.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Black & White or Colour?

Thought I would open up a bit of discussion....Do you prefer child photographs to be in Black and White or Colour.....and why?

Personally I prefer Black and White photographs over colour unless its colour I am photographing. I just love the mood and soul it captures.

What do you prefer?

Monday, 21 February 2011

Wow my first blog

Hi everyone welcome to my blog.  I am a photographer in Mackay who specialises in Maternity photos, or Pregnancy portraits and Newborn photographs also.  I love photography and would love your views, opinions and feedback on my photographs and blog posts.  Look forward to connecting with fans and friends via the internet and can't wait to hear your comments about my images : ) Cheers and happy viewing.